Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Questions to City for 1/22/2009 meeting

Questions for the City

1. Northbound Dubuque street was just inches above the river in Spring 2008 when the flow was 10,000 CFS. Elevating the northbound lane could allow the peak "normal flood" flow to be increased. What other barriers are there in our metro area to increasing the peak "normal spring flood" to 12,000 CFS? We base this question on the expectation that such a release rate, last spring, could have allowed a more significant drawdown of the reservoir prior to the June flood, thereby creating capacity that could have reduced the peak flood flow.

2. We note that the federal buyout rules are rather rigid in forbidding flood control measures on land incorporated into the buyout. How much flexibility does the city have to buy land, redivide it, and then resell parts to the federal buyout program? This could allow reconfiguration of land parcels so that a coherent (straight, as opposed to zigzag) flood-control system could be created behind the line of any Federal buyout.

3. Can the city build a second exit from the neighborhood? This is needed because whatever flood barrier that is put in place could be overtopped, and if that happens, we want a better evacuation plan -- this is something the city knew when the neighborhood was built.

4. Can the City build a flood warning post or bulletin board to be placed at in the 1% and 0.2% flood zones throughout the city?

5. Can the city retro-fit one-way valves in all storm drains that drain areas in the 1% and 0.2% flood risk zones?

6. When will Iowa City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (that the city needs to comply with the National Flood Insurance Program) be ready? Will there be an opportunity for public input?

7. What is the City going to do for PVT in Spring 2009 in case it floods?

8. Would the City be willing to participate in a regional flood mitigation plan (along with the University of Iowa, City of Coralville, city of North Liberty, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Army Corps of Engineers, and Johnson County)?

9. Would the City consider modifying the current zoning and subdivision ordinances to ensure future developments are at lower flood risk?

10. Would the City be willing to work with the Johnson County Conservation Board to acquire land using the recently approved conservation bond funds to acquire land in PVT to expand City Park?

11. Does the City have a well-developed evacuation plan to be used if flooding threatens any neighborhood in Iowa City in the future?

12. Would the City be willing to buy farmland to the south of the city to help with flood control? We have been informed that preventing flooding of farmland south of the city is a significant reason for lower rate of discharge from the dam. Buying some of this farmland may allow for higher discharge rates earlier in Spring and Summe

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