Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good news on Jumpstart Funds

The house passed the change from 10 year to five years - Govenor Culver expected to sign it soon.



Anonymous said...

Any news would be great. We have recieved no funds to rebuild except for FEMA. We were told to have the friends who helped us clean out to fabricate reciepts for the work they did because we didn't have enough receipts, and we couldn't qualify without them. We were trying to be honest. The Jumpstart people are hiding behind federal stips. Shame on them. We pay 2 mortgages and were told by the mortgage helpline that we had to be living in the flood house to be helped. All is such a crock. Are we supposed to know the right people? Shame on this program. I want to somehow go forward and we can't.

Anonymous said...

Grassley and Loebsack were the only people to help us when FEMA gave us the run around.

jhenderson said...

Any news on loosening the income restrictions? We're still waiting, but are being denied Jumpstart funds because our family's income is too large.