Thursday, July 3, 2008

Buy out is competitive

Be sure to write your congressman to inform him of the dire need to fund the HMP in Iowa.

Could you post this?

I am Bill Devine. 720 Normandy. No insurance. I signed the buy out petition.

I suffered through the Cedar Rapids leaders meeting tonight. Here are some things they said.

The total amount allocated to the State of Iowa for the Hazard Mitigation Program is around 50 million.

The value of homes in the CR 100 yr plane is 86 million. The 500 yr is 204 million. The commercial is another 108 million

The process is competitive

Tulsa had 284 homes in their buy out. CR has 1072 in the 100 yr and 1903 in the 500 yr.

Can our reps in DC get enough dollars to cover??????

I think the buy out will be tough.

CR is talking about lost work force. Can we argue that?

We need more money allocated to Iowa. There is no other way.

Think of all the other communities that will be in competition for those dollars.

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